Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

This Agreement is made between Code Avenue (“Company”, “us”, “we” or “our”) and you (“User”, “you” or “your”). It outlines your use of the codeavenue.com website along with its products or services (collectively, “Website” or “Services”).


You are bound by these Terms when you gain access to our Website and Services and utilize them. In case you do not accept the Terms, kindly refrain from using or accessing any services provided here.


The following will therefore be disallowed:

  • Re-publication of our website material in any media;
  • Commercializing, sublicensing, and selling among other things of any Website material;
  • Public presentation/performance of any material found on this website;
  • Using this Website where it may make damage to itself;
  • Using this Website where it may affect user access to it;
  • Use of this Website that contravenes applicable laws, regulations or can cause harm to persons themselves using the site applications and various entities out there available on the site;
  • Data mining, data gathering and extraction activities related to this site by anyone including yourself will have no basis under the law;
  • Engaging in advertising through this Site.

Some areas of this website are prohibited for you. Also, Code Avenue can limit your access to selected areas at any moment taking into account solely its judgment.

Age Limit

To use our Site you must be no less than sixteen years old. If it is agreed upon by you that you should use our platform while accepting these terms then we believe that you have attained twenty-one years old.

Other Sites Linked To

This page may contain links pointing at other websites but we would wish all users to know that there is no official association between us and such places unless otherwise stated herein. We aren’t liable for assessing these companies nor individuals making them and for content of the websites. We aren’t liable at all for any such third party products, services or actions or their contents. When you visit sites operated by other parties we recommend reviewing those companies’ legal statements and conditions of use. You bear the risk when you link to off-site resources from this Website.

Uses that are not allowed

You are forbidden from using the Website or its Content for:

(a) any illegal purpose;

(b) getting others to perform or join in doing anything illegal;

(c) violating regional, national and international regulations, provisions of federal, provincial or state laws and local statutes;

(d) infringing upon our intellectual property rights or those of other persons;

(e) transgressing against people with gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin or disability issues including harassment, abuse defamation, harm insults and slanders and intimidation cases;

(f) submitting false or misleading information;

(g) uploading viruses or malware or any other types of malicious code that will or may be used in anyway affecting the functionality and operation of a service website related thereto websites and internet itself;

(h) collecting personal information about third parties;

(i) spamming/phishing/farming/spidering/crawling/scraping;

(j) for immoral purposes such as pornography;

(k) interfering with the security features of the Service; Allowing to circumvent them through any means;

We reserve the right to end your use of the Service at any related website if we find you have broken any of these restrictions.

Intellectual Property Rights

This Agreement does not give you ownership rights (title deeds included), intellectual property belonging to Code Avenue and third parties. This means that all trademarks used on our Website/Services are owned by Code Avenue or else by licensors associated with it. Hence other marks employed in connection with our Services/Webpage may therefore belong to another party. The use of either our Website/Services does not grant you any right/title about Code Avenue’s third-party trademarks whatsoever.

Limitation of Liability

To the maximum degree allowed by law, Code Avenue will not be held accountable for any legal damages from its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, suppliers or licensors in connection with any other person (a) indirect and consequential damages of whatever kind such as loss of profit, revenue, sales goodwill; use of content; impacts on the business or interruption to business; lost savings anticipated opportunity for business even if this is caused under a theory of liability that includes without limitation breach of statutory duty warranty contract tort negligence or otherwise even if Code Avenue has been advised as to the possibility of such damages or could have foreseen such. The cumulative liability towards you shall at no time exceed an amount that is greater than one dollar or any sums paid in cash by you to Code Avenue over one month immediately preceding the first event or occurrence giving rise to such liability subject to applicable law. Remember that these restrictions and exemptions also stand if this solution does not adequately reimburse you for any damages or if it fails to fulfill its fundamental objective.


In this regard, you accept responsibility to pay for all judgments and other expenses for Code Avenue and its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents or any third party allegations. This is about the content of your willful misconduct regarding either your use of the Website or Services.


This Agreement gives rights and imposes obligations only so far as they are not in violation of laws applicable within jurisdictions where they are meant to be so limited that illegalities do not negate enforceability. It is intended by each provision or portion thereof in this Agreement that if any court with competence should find it illegal, invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part then the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue to be binding upon them as though such illegal provisions had never been included.

Dispute Resolution

The substantive and procedural laws of California, without resorting to conflict of law rules, govern this agreement including its formation interpretation performance and disputes arising out of it. As far as the law allows all these whenever such litigation arises have jurisdiction over actions relating thereto. For example, you may not sue us on a claim arising from breach related to these Terms unless; (i) you sent us notice saying how we should cure the default; (ii) we ignored your notice; (iii) you gave us reasonable time after ignoring your notice within which to cure the default; and (iv) we did not cure it within reasonable time.

Changes and Amendments

We may at our utmost discretion make changes or replace these terms with new ones from time to time without notifying you except for some instances when an email notification will be sent through once there is any update on our privacy policy page about this Agreement. You agree that Code Avenue shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service(s). We do reserve the right at any time without giving notice to change the terms and conditions under which we operate our Website, without being liable of any kind.

Contact Us

For further information about this Agreement, or if you wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to it, please send an email to add email here.

By using this website, you agree that you have read and understood all of these terms and conditions.

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