
Project Description

All the suitable and sufficient risk assessment is recorded via Waru Safety Management online system that will take all of the existing control measures into consideration and will make recommendations for changes and/or additional measures to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Examination will also include management controls and documentation to ensure client is fully compliant. The charges for assessment and inspection are decided depending on the work intensity. Following are the main features of the app

Preventing clients from unsafe working environments to reduce health and safety risks at work with automation of safety measures, inspections and recommendations, saving money and time.

1. Health & Safety Management

This inspection and health and safety risk assessment audit addresses the requirements of the Health & Safety, which include recommendations for required remedial actions and on-going monitoring and control measures. The Regulations also require employers to devise and implement safety measures as identified in the Risk Assessment

2. Water Systems (Legionnella) Risk Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to enable a valid decision to be made regarding: The risk to health, i.e., whether the potential for harm to health from exposure is reasonably foreseeable, unless adequate precautionary measures are taken. What measures for prevention, or adequate control to minimize the risk from exposure to Legionella, should be taken?

3. Fire Risk Assessment

The aims of the fire risk assessment are to identify the fire hazards (That is to highlight all the relevant fire safety issues appertaining to your premises), to reduce the risk of those hazards causing harm to as low as reasonably practicable and to decide what physical fire precautions and management arrangements are necessary to prevent fire and ensure the safety and protection of people in your premises if a fire does start. The extent of the survey undertaken is dependent on levels of access to various parts of the building

4. History & Assigned Surveys

In assigned survey tab, a user can see which surveys are assigned to him by admin. And in history tab a user can see completed surveys

Tech Stack

React js




Team Composition

Backend Developer x 1

Frontend Developer x 1

SQA Engineer x1

Project Manager x 1

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